Representative Power and Utilities Experience


Hydroelectric Power Plant

Party appointed delay expert on a CCL arbitration (el Centro de Arbitraje de la Camara de Comercio de Lima) involving construction of a 20MW run-of-the-river power plant near Arequipa, Peru. DAS professionals successfully prepared and submitted a delay report addressing various critical delay issues including late approval of construction permits.


Hydroelectric Power Plant

Party appointed delay expert on a CCL arbitration involving construction of a 13.2 MW run-of-the-river power plant in Peru. DAS professionals successfully submitted a delay report addressing various critical delay issues including late approval and provision of right of way and construction permits. DAS professionals also testified before the arbitral tribunal in Lima, Peru.


Hydroelectric Power Plant

     Lead assistant to the delay expert appointed by Tribunal in an ICC arbitration involving construction of a 155 MW run-of-the river power plant in Chile. The delay issues analysed included late access to the transmission line right of way, additional work in the tunnel, reworks in construction of substations and an earthquake.


Gas Measuring Station

Party appointed delay expert in an AmCham (Arbitration Centre of the American Chamber of Commerce) arbitration related to construction of a gas measurement station ("City Gate") and a 3.2 km supply pipeline between the entrance to the city and a 520MW combined cycle power plant (CCPP) in Peru. DAS professionals issued an expert report and testified before the sole Arbitrator in Lima, Peru


Coal Fired Power Plant
Dominican Republic

Assisted the delay expert retained by the Joint Venture and contemporaneously assessed the effect of various delay events on the critical path to substantial completion of a 752MW coal-fired thermal plant, an offshore terminal, and other associated facilities. Delay events included unforeseen ground conditions, labour shortage, weld repairs, industrial relations and inclement weather.


Gas Fired Cogeneration Facilities
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Assisted the delay expert appointed by the Claimant in ICC arbitration. The dispute related to the design, engineering, construction, testing, and commissioning of 532MW gas fired cogeneration facilities. The delay issues included site access, late provision of utilities, and a number of discrete events encountered during commissioning and start-up of the newly installed power units.


Oil and Gas


Mining and Metals