Representative Mining and Metals Experience

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New Iron Ore Mine

The project involved the engineering, fabrication and delivery of heavy equipment at mine and port operations, including a car dumper, mine stacker, mine reclaimer and shiploader for a $1.47-billion processing facility at an iron ore mine in Australia.

Assisted the delay expert appointed by Respondent in SIAC arbitration, and assessed the incident, extent and causes of critical delays various contractual milestones due to issues encountered during detailed engineering and offsite fabrication of heavy equipment.


Coal Export Terminal

The project involved the design and construction of a ROM (Right of Mine) stockpile areas, two crushing lines each comprising dump hoppers, feeder breakers, conveyors, coal sizers, a surge bin, a 9 km long overland conveyor, a transfer tower and the upgrading of the existing Conveyor. The total construction value was US $74 million.

Assisted the delay expert appointed by Respondent in ICC arbitration, and undertook an independent review of the incidence, extent and causes of critical path delays, and carried out measured mile analysis on the project and assisted the delay expert in preparing a report for use in the arbitration proceedings in accordance with the rules and procedures of the ICC. The dispute has been settled before the arbitration hearing took place in Singapore.


Water Pipeline for Copper Mine

The project involved construction of a 154-kilometre, 26-inch pipeline and included 135 kilometers above ground and 19 kilometers underground sections. The pipeline was connected to a water desalination plant as part of a mining project in Chile. The total construction value was US $57 million.

Appointed by Claimant (Contractor) as delay expert, carried out analysis of the incidence, extent and causes of delays to progress of the works and overall completion. Issued an expert report and testified before a sole arbitrator in CAM (Centro de Arbitraje y Mediación) Santiago, Chile.


Power and Utilities

