Representative Infrastructure Experience


Water Treatment Plant

The project involved EPC of a main process building and ponds including a clarified raw water storage pond, a treated water pond, an RO rejects pond, a concentrated brine pond and Sedimentation pond. The total construction value was $330 Million.  As Consultant, assessed the Contractor's extension of time claims and addressed the factual inaccuracies presented in the contractor’s time impact analysis. The delay issues included site access, accommodation restrictions, and the re-design of a concentrated brine pond.

Shiploader Facility

The project involved the construction and commissioning of a $90 million ship loader associated with a coal export terminal. As delay expert appointed by the Contractor (Claimant),  provided independent expert opinion and detailed report regarding the joint venture’s entitlement to an extension of time. The expert report was used to support the joint venture’s adjudication application pursuant to Queensland’s Building and Construction Industry Payment Act 2004. The assessment resulted in the joint venture being awarded the claimed time extension of 264 days in full.

Waste Water Treatment Plant

Appointed by the Joint Venture (Claimant), served as delay expert in a dispute related to the Owner's request of and direction for additional scope of engineering and construction works in a $350 million waste water treatment plant in Colombia. Assessed the effect of the changes and additional works requested by the Owner on the critical path to completion, and presented the result of the analysis before the dispute resolution board in CAC  (Centro de Arbitraje y Conciliación) de la Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá). 

Coal Terminal - Marine Works

The project involved the construction of a 500-meter berth, as well as mechanical and electrical systems, fabrication, offsite assembly, transport, installation and commissioning of one complete Shiploader as part of a coal terminal expansion project in Queensland, Australia. Carried out an analysis of the effect of inclement weather and power outage delays on the critical path and the completion date of the berth construction works using the time impact analysis (TIA) method.

Railway Rehabilitation

 The project involved complete overhaul of the 48-km rail line, rehabilitation or reconstruction of nearly 120
bridges, six rail stations and six stops at the 48 km long two-track railway section. The total construction value was € 150 million. Carried out an as-planned versus as-built analysis and established the incidence, extent and causes of critical delay. Delay issues involved production of working drawings for track work, as well as inaccurate surveying and alignment of tracks and platforms, drainage design and material procurement.

Subway Station

The project involved the construction of a $197 Million subway station consisting of a main entrance building, two story station box below grade, ventilation and two fire fighter access shafts, a tunnel connection, a subgrade connection to a future bus rapid transit station, two emergency egress buildings, a substation and transformation yard. Assessed the effects of various delay events associated with the installation of piling, secant piling, cut-off wall, jet grouting, de-watering, on the critical path to project completion.


Mining and Metals

